Ok Coralie, this one is for you! I was craving pasta and white sauce, so I created a light sauce that worked well with pasta, and would also taste fab on a baked potato, or over sauted vegetables.
In a blender, combine:
2 cups rice milk
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
1 1/4 tsp. salt
4 tsp. tapioca flour (or arrowroot, potato starch, corn starch)
1 Tbsp. olive oil
I add the dry ingredients while the blender is on low so they don't cake to the side. Once well blended, transfer to a small pot and cook over medium heat until thickened, whisking continually. If you can have other herbs or spices, feel free to add some in. If you can't have garlic or onion powder, try adding in some tomato paste, or even ketchup to make a creamy tomato sauce.
I had mine over rice pasta, with some sauted sweet potato and zucchini, as well as several of my delicious! carrot rice balls. So yummy.
Sweet Potato & Zucchini Saute
Thinly slice the sweet potatoes and place in a large skillet with 1/2 a cup of simmering water. Allow the potatoes to just become softened, then add in the thinly sliced zucchini. Once all the water has evaporated and the potatoes are just soft, add in 1 Tbsp. of olive oil, up the heat and get some nice color on the veggies. Season with salt and onion powder.
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